Founded in 2006, Boones Creek Medical has worked to serve the needs of our immediate community as well as accepting patients from across our region. We specialize in providing care for all ages as well as a myriad of skin care services. We understand the need for consistent, quality care with a personal touch. We treat each patient like family. Our compassionate, professional staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of care possible. Because we are woman/family owned, we are patient driven. This means that we can focus more on providing excellent care, and less on the bottom line. We are not tied to any large medical corporation. We provide effective care that is responsive to the needs of the community. Being physician owned means that our providers are able to focus on you!
Although we do offer same-day appointments when available, we encourage making appointments as far in advance as possible. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding scheduling and payment arrangements!
We guarantee all medical records are kept completely confidential.
Marissa Kirchenbauer graduated with her BSN from the University of Texas Tech in 2013 and went onto work in the hospital system in several specialties as an RN. After deciding to further her career, she graduated, with honors, from the University of Texas at Tyler in 2017. Since receiving her MSN and certification in family care she spent many years working in women’s health before expanding to urgent care and family practice. She is married with two children who accompanied her on the cross-country move from Texas to Tennessee in 2022. Marissa enjoys collaborating with her patients to make sustainable changes that are tailored to their needs. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, working in her ever-expanding garden, and enjoying the outdoors.